Welcome Traveller
Welcome Traveller
This is a site on the craft of writing.
It's where I keep brief notes I use when writing.
More specifically, this is a site on longer form creative writing.
Not essay writing.
Not memoir writing.
Not poetry.
This site will cover strategies for writing anything from a 5000 word short story to an oeuvre of 20 novels set in the fantasy world of your creation (with associated shorter fiction for world and character building that can be used as side adventures to help you with your understanding of the world you've created).
Why yet another writing site?
Well, Sunshine, this ain't for you.
It's for me.
It's my notes.
If you get something out of it: ticketyboo, good for you.
Otherwise: Jog On.
Anywho, enjoy your wanders and I'll see ya when I'm lookin' at ya.
Oh, and remember: Liber8drage